We are a vibrant network of young Catholics called to do more for Christ and His people. We love serving our communities and building lasting God-centered relationships while we’re at it. True to our Ignatian formation, we are committed to seeing God in all things. We are pilgrims on this earth, deepening our faith and strengthening our communities one experience at a time.

We Are Pilgrims

MAGIS is a Latin word meaning more, and was used by St Ignatius to communicate the idea of doing more for God. It is at once an experience, a personal journey, a network and a lifestyle guided by the three pillars: companionship, service and spirituality

We Are Young!

Witness MAGIS in action at one of our experiences. Here’s what you can expect in the upcoming months…


#DryBones is a two-year campaign to reignite the MAGIS ethos in our network through ongoing formation infused in all upcoming programs.

MAGIS SAP Encounter

The annual Southern Africa Province encounter brings together young Catholics from Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe to share their faith, nurture friendships and learn from each other in a relaxed, fun environment.

We Are Catholic!

“It is not the knowing that is difficult, but the doing. Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God. Teach us to give and not to count the cost.”

St Ignatius of Loyola

1491 – 1556

We Are Excellent!

Register for the SAP encounter today!